News — Oil Free
Organic Therapie Aqua Blast Soap Review By Megha

Organic Therapie Aqua Blast Soap Review Organic Therapie Aqua Blast Soap I am writing this post with my 1.5 years old cute nephew sitting on my lap and playing tantrum with the keyboard. He just does not want to leave his bua when she is sitting in front of her laptop *smiles*. Recently I had an outbreak of acne due to less intake of water and more intakes of SWEETS. You are forced to eat more sweet as soon as you get engaged *lol*. I feel whenever I suffer from acne or pimples, soaps work better on deep cleansing my...
Organic Therapie Insta Clear Acne Creme Review By Megha

Organic Therapie Insta Clear Acne Creme Review Organic Therapie Insta Clear Acne Creme If you remember, I did a review on Organic Therapie Insta Clear Acne Mask (Review HERE) and how much I raved about it. I also got acne cream from the same range and I MUST say it definitely helps in clearing acne with regular usage. I am making all efforts to keep my skin clear as only a month is left for my wedding. I am drinking lots and lots of water and saying no to oily and spicy food. Today I am going to review Organic Therapie Insta Clear...